
Saturday, October 12, 2013

Lexi Turns "11"

Last month our ballerina girl turned 11-years-old. It was a low key celebration ... we had a family dinner out at her favorite restaurant - The Marietta Diner.

A few days later we let her take a few friends for shopping and lunch after church. All the girls had gift cards for Bath & Body Works and Michael's {two of Lexi's favorite stores}.

Lexi, you surprise us so much ... you are mature beyond your years but, also know how to be silly and fun. You light up any room you walk into and you have the ability to make friends easily. Some days I wish I could stop time and keep you that sweet little girl with two pigtails in her hair following me around the house asking to help take care of Ava Mae.

Thank you for the joy you bring to Dad and I!