
Saturday, June 21, 2014

Good Bye ...

2020 EDITED to ADD: This is no longer an active blog but, for homeschool families it still has some great posts about homeschooling life! Also, to see what our family looks like these days - take at look at my Instagram feed on the right side of the blog.

This blog was begun in 2008 to chronicle our homeschool journey ... as the kids have gotten older and our homeschooling has become more independent and with the time commitments to the kids' activities - mainly travel baseball and a new ballet company for the girls, it is time to step away from blogging. 

Thank you to everyone who read, commented and followed along with our journey over the last six years. I may blog again at some point but, for now it is time to take a break. You can still follow along on Instagram, where I post at least a few times every week.

Wishing you all the best!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014