
Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Biltomore Homeschool Festival

The kids and I were so fortunate to be able to attend the Biltmore Homeschool Festival in Asheville, North Carolina yesterday. We headed to Asheville on Tuesday - after spending some time in a gas station line waiting to get gas in East Cobb for around 20 minutes. My parents have a second home in Asheville and so we were able to stay there. My Mom, is currently homeschooling my youngest two siblings - Emily (18) and Mike (15). For those of you who do not know me - I am the oldest of ten children in my family. My parents were able to homeschool my youngest three siblings and my Mom is a huge supporter of our decision to homeschool.

The Biltmore House has held a Homeschool Festival for the last six years during the Fall but, I just found out about it this past July at a homeschool expo I attended. My mom, my two youngest siblings, the kids and I all were able to go yesterday and it was so much fun. We spent all of our time at the River Bend Farm on the Biltmore House property learning about farm life for the families that lived on the property during the early 1900's. This is a sampling of our day in photos ...

Lawn Bowling ...

Lexi with a Baby Chick ...

Ava Mae Driving a Tractor ...

Devin and Ava Mae ...

Ava Mae Dancing to Bluegrass Music dressed in Period Clothing ...

Lexi putting a Chicken to Sleep by scratching it under the chin ...

We are back in Atlanta tonight and I am missing the cool mountain air in Asheville that we were able to experience but, I am looking forward to heading back to The Biltmore House soon!

1 comment:

  1. Alicia,
    Sorry we missed out on all the fun! But I am so glad you all had such an amazing time! Looks like a blast and the pictures are great! Maybe we will join you next year. So glad to have found a your blog! :)
