
Thursday, September 11, 2008

Remembering 9/11

It is that question that I am sure people will ask for years and years ... where were you on 9/11? I remember it like yesterday and sometimes it is so hard to believe it has been seven years. I can clearly see myself sitting in our bedroom holding our newborn son who was just two days shy of a month old. I am a Today show morning person so I was watching Matt Lauer and can hear him saying how they were following a breaking story of a plane crashing into one of the Twin Towers. At the time I am sure I thought small plane, pilot error, a horrible story but, little did I know.

As I sat glued to the television, I remember calling my Mom and wondering why she had not called me yet. My Mom at the time always had on CNN during the day. That morning she had chosen to redo the hardwood floors in the family room and had the television off. I can clearly remember the shock in her voice as she yelled at one of my siblings in the background to turn on the t.v. In that moment all I could think about was my brother, who was home with my Mom waiting assignment to a boot camp, as he had just enlisted in the Army.

Recalling that day to my children this morning during our morning devotional was so hard. Hard in the sense that they can not comprehend the gravity of how our world changed in that moment. Tonight we listened to a song produced by an affliliate of our local christian music station. It is called "Silent Night 9/11". Devin cried, Lexi had a million questions and Ava Mae just wanted to know why it sounded like God was flying away at the end. In the past we have made a meal for our local fire station in honor of their lost colleagues on that day. Today, we chose to just pray for all families who lost loved ones on 9/11. I am sure as the years go by more and more people will find this day easier to get through but, I know we will always remember.

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