
Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Wedding

This past Saturday night one of my little sisters married her high school sweetheart in an outside ceremony on a Ranch just north of Tampa. Our girls had the privilege of being flower girls in the ceremony and I loved watching them walk down the aisle prior to my sister.

The reception was held in both a tent and a barn on the property. The kids and even Daune and I danced the night away. I also got to use some of my wedding consultant skills at the event ... even getting to cut and slice the wedding cake.

The only sad note from the weekend was the fact that my brother, Donnie, was involved in a serious car accident on the way to the airport early Saturday morning. He had coached a football game the night before and was out super late. He had just nodded off when his alarm went off to head to the airport. He did not make it far before falling asleep at the wheel. We are so thankful to God that he is alive and no one else was involved in the accident. He did sustain a concussion but, he is going to be o.k. This is Donnie's 4th concussion ... he had 3 others while playing college football at the University of Maryland.

Though, we were all sad that Donnie was not at the wedding it was so great catching up with so many of my siblings that I do not get to see regularly. My brother Sean and his wife, Sara flew in from Oklahoma with their two adorable daughters who hit it off big with our kids. We had never met the two little girls but, by the end of the first night Lexi was asking how far Oklahoma was and when could we fly to see them.

It is so hard to get a family of ten kids all together at one time ... we almost did it this past weekend! :)

Here is a picture of my Mom and Dad. Don't they look great for two people who have raised ten children!

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