
Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Beauty of the Season

Some days are easier than others ... I am sure that is a sentiment that many a homeschool Mom can relate to. We have had a crazy week and I have felt on many days that my patience was being tried over and over again during our school day. Today I promised the kids a fun outing if school work was finished on time and with a happy heart.
Lexi had a playdate, with her best friend Grace, scheduled so once she was home from school we packed up and headed over to Sope Creek for a Nature Walk. The kids were excited and so I had to remind them how if we walked a little bit quieter through the woods we could actually hear nature. We enjoyed listening to the leaves rustling under the feet of little chipmunks and squirrels ... of course my girls were so sure it was bear that we were hearing walking on those leaves.

It can be so refreshing to get out and submerse yourself in the beauty of this season. Fall is one of my favorite times of year and my children seem to have inherited that same excitement. Our nature hike did not last real long - about 45 minutes. My son is always scared that we are going to get lost in the woods so the trails we pick must stay close and preferably loop back around pretty quickly.

I need to remember to get out more often with the kids when we are having a rough week ... we always have such a good time! As I walked through the woods today I could definitely feel God working in my heart, whispering ... "Be still and know that I am God".

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