
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thanksgiving Lapbook

The past week and a half we have been working hard on our Lapbook after finishing our core curriculum. Each day we completed an activity and added something to the lapbook. This go round I pieced the lapbook together myself with no set plan. We combined our two books we were reading one which focused on the Pilgrim's First Thanksgiving and the other Cranberry Thanksgiving.

You will note from the pictures below that there is some space inside the lapbook which I have reserved for photos of Thanksgiving Dinner and our Cranberry Bread we baked. Next month I have purchased a Lapbook Lesson Plan on the "12 Days of Christmas" which will make things a little easier.

So here are photos from the Thanksgiving Lapbook ...
Front Cover ~ Devin, Lexi and Ava Mae wrote a few things they were thankful for on the pieces of corn. I thought it was cute how large Devin wrote he was thankful for Daddy. He loves his Dad so much!

Inside ~ Lexi and Ava Mae shared the coloring responsibilities while Devin wanted to be the one to write information.
Inside ~ This shows what went inside the different little flaps.

Back Cover ~ A Wild Turkey - the only turkey which can actually fly. We learned that turkeys we eat at Thanksgiving are grown so large that it is impossible for them to fly.

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