
Sunday, January 4, 2009

Planning ...

I can't believe that on January 12th we will be halfway through our school year! We will have hit 90 days and begin our journey into the 2nd half of our year. I always forget how fast the first half of the year goes by. I think alot of it has to do with the holidays and all the fun that surrounds it. I always feel a little melancholy when I think of the next couple of months, school wise. The excitement of the holidays is not there to break up our normal school routine.

I am working hard this year on planning some fun things to do during this part of the year to keep things interesting! This month, along with adding back in our History, "Story of the World", we will be doing a unit study each month. This month it is centered around Weather with a focus on Winter Weather, most importantly, Snow. We start this next week by reading the book, "Stopping by the Woods ..." by Robert Frost. We are also going to be reading "The Long Winter" by Laura Ingalls Wilder. I found some fun crafts we can do, and, of course, we will figure out a few recipes to go along with our study.

Yesterday, Lexi and I had a chance to go by our favorite used bookstore while we were out running errands. Lexi enjoyed looking through a book on the making of "The Chronicles of Narnia" while I traded in some of our old books for credit and shopped for some books for this month. Here are a few of our finds:

The best part ... I was only out $6.00, with the money I had from trade ins.

1 comment:

  1. Fun! We are going to focus on snow books for our lunch read-alouds. I'm excited. At least we can learn and dream about snow (when all we seem to get is rain!). We are adding a few new things, too. We started cursive writing this week. The boys were really excited. And we're doing science units instead of the textbook we chose originally. I can't wait to start the human body next week! I wanted to plan a weekly playdate for our group for people to come to whenever they can just for some winter fun. But with the park being out due to so much cold and rain, I can't think of where we could go where the kids could run and make noise. Any suggestions?
