
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Take Time to Smell the Roses

O.K. so the picture above is not roses but, we still enjoyed smelling all the wonderful flowers today on our fieldtrip to the Southeastern Flower Show at the Cobb Galleria. It is sponsored by the Southeastern Horticultural Society and has normally been in Downtown Atlanta ... we are so happy with its new location.

I think the kids were on sensory overload as most of the time I could not get them to stay and focus on one garden long enough before they spied something bigger or better in the next garden. We really enjoyed the small butterfly garden that Callaway Gardens had. Also, a display on container vegetable gardens was very interesting. We have enjoyed the past couple of years growing tomatoes but, this year I think we are going to expand and do some cucumbers, lettuce and carrots.

The Youth Area was wonderful and I met this really nice woman who was in charge of the area at the time - she had homeschooled all 4 of her children, the last two are currently in college. She encouraged me to let the kids enter exhibits in the future if their interest level leads them. We made a cute Pine- Cone Birdfeeder which is perfect for our unit study next month on Birds.

Our final stop, and the one my girls loved the most was the small container gardens. Ava Mae called them "Fairy Gardens" and would have loved to taken one home with her.


  1. I did NOT know about this! Is it still going on? What a fabulous field trip! ♥
