
Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Opera

The kids and I were just blown away by the Atlanta Opera performance at JFBC today. It was perfectly written for elementary age children yet, it also kept the adults in the audience quite amused with funny lines. Devin and Lexi both want to attend a full length opera now. They were also excited that the performers mentioned "The Magic Flute", which is the opera we have been studying.

The day was made even sweeter because we were able to attend this event with two other homeschool families who we are friends with. After the performance ended we all headed to, where else, but, Chick-Fil-A for playtime and lunch.

Devin, Lexi and Ava Mae mesmerized by the performance ...

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A Short Study of the Opera

The kids and I have been working through this book since last week in anticipation of our trip to the Opera, tomorrow. The book is wonderful in really explaining the workings behind the scenes, as well as on stage at the Opera. So far, our favorite opera from this book is "The Magic Flute".

Ava Mae has taken to walking around the house singing in Opera fashion ... which usually leads Devin to ask her to stop as it gives him a headache, or so he says. The book comes with two CD's which retell the operas in the book. The girls have enjoyed listening to them in the afternoon as they act out the scenes on their makeshift "stage" they made for themselves.
More to report tomorrow, after we attend "The Baker of Seville", performed by the Atlanta Opera at JFBC.

Monday, February 23, 2009


On Saturday my husband awoke and decided we would head to the Georgia Aquarium for the day. With nothing else on our calendars, which is so rare for a Saturday, it truly was a great day for us to just pick up and go. The Georgia Aquarium is not my favorite aquarium to visit, we much prefer the Tennessee Aquarium over it but, we did get to see some of our favorite exhibits - the Beluga Whales and the Whale Sharks. Afterward, we spent some time letting the kids run around in the field between the Georgia Aquarium and the World of Coke. It was a beautiful cool cloudless afternoon and had my camera battery not died I would have had some marvelous pictures to share with you from playing outside. Here is what I did snap photos of earlier in the day ...

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Winter Break

Yesterday was a day off for us ... we call it our Winter Break. Instead of schooling, we spent the afternoon at another friend's home who homeschools. She has become very near and dear to me and my kids just love playing with her children. The best part about the kids enjoying playing together so well is that it gives my friend and I a few hours, uninterrupted, to talk. I enjoy the transparency that we can both have with each other - our struggles in our daily lives and our joys. God has been so good to provide such a wonderful friend for me.

The day ended just as good as it started with dinner out with my husband at a local restaurant we just love. Three other homeschooling couples joined us. It is so fun to get to know each of them so much better over good food and drinks.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Mission Friends

Lexi has really enjoyed Mission Friends this year at JFBC. Last night though, she said had to be her favorite class. She was able to meet a missionary from Ecuador. When I picked her up she came running out of class to show me a bracelet the missionary gave her and excitedly told me the story of meeting this "real missionary". Lexi told me a few weeks ago that she would like to be a missionary herself one day and so this meeting was truly the highlight of her week.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentine's Week

We had a really fun Valentine's Week ... it included activities such as - a Valentine's Party with our Homeschool Group; a Father - Daughter Dance for Lexi, Ava Mae and Daune; a dinner out for Devin and I at the fancy Chick-Fil-A dinner; Lunch and Dinner with friends on Valentine's Day; Homemade White Chocolate Fondue for dessert on Valentine's Night; a beautiful Valentine's Card from my husband with an American Express Gift Card; a hilariously funny Valentine's Card from the kids with a recorded message and one of my favorite Hannah Montana Songs. Not to mention all the handmade cards we all received all week long from Lexi and Ava Mae, made it a week to remember!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Weekend Retreat

This past weekend my husband and I were able to getaway to WinShape for a wonderful marriage retreat. The retreat facility is set on the campus of Berry College located in Rome, Georgia. The architecture is based on the early 1900 Normandy countryside, unbelievable is the fact that this facility was a working dairy farm in the 1930's. WinShape is just so peaceful and from the time you step onto the breathtaking campus you feel the presence of God.

I could go on and on but, I would prefer to show you the beauty of this amazing place through my camera lense ...

I loved photographing the Spires on all the buildings. Martha Berry (founder of Berry College) felt it was important to have so many on the buildings located on the dairy farm to keep those who worked there looking up toward the heavens. I found myself looking up all weekend.

Friday, February 6, 2009

February Unit Study - Birds

This month one of our Unit Studies is - Birds in our Backyard. My children just love birdwatching and it is one of our favorite things to do during our Nature Walks.

Here are a few of the books we are using this month ...

The kids made three pinecone birdfeeders at the Southeastern Flower Show and the birds have been enjoying them tremendously. Yesterday morning, we watched as Cardinals, Blue Jays and Chick a Dees descended on our trees with the birdfeeder pinecones. This week we are going to purchase a nice birdfeeder and some really good bird seed. A friend of mine insists that the more expensive birdseed attracts more birds ... we will put that theory to the test.