
Thursday, February 12, 2009

Weekend Retreat

This past weekend my husband and I were able to getaway to WinShape for a wonderful marriage retreat. The retreat facility is set on the campus of Berry College located in Rome, Georgia. The architecture is based on the early 1900 Normandy countryside, unbelievable is the fact that this facility was a working dairy farm in the 1930's. WinShape is just so peaceful and from the time you step onto the breathtaking campus you feel the presence of God.

I could go on and on but, I would prefer to show you the beauty of this amazing place through my camera lense ...

I loved photographing the Spires on all the buildings. Martha Berry (founder of Berry College) felt it was important to have so many on the buildings located on the dairy farm to keep those who worked there looking up toward the heavens. I found myself looking up all weekend.

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