
Sunday, March 29, 2009


This past Wednesday our homeschool group took a field trip to the Northwestern Georgia Science Museum - Tellus. Our tour focused primarily on the fossil exhibit, though we did get a chance to visit many of the other areas of the museum.

The beginning was a little rocky as we have focused, up to this point, on Creationism and our tour was all about Evolution. Definitely confusing for my kids but, it was a good learning opportunity. We talked alot on Thursday about different theories and why we believe what we believe.

Some of the really fun activities we participated in were taking part in a fossil dig - where the kids each got a chance to unearth three small fossils to take home;

visiting the Transportation Exhibit with wonderful displays of old fashioned automobiles, airplanes and a brief section on the space program;

we also were able to spend some time in a hands on area where the kids were FINALLY able to learn from hands-on exhibits, the best kind.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

This week I am beginning a new feature on my blog ... Wordless Wednesday. Just a photo that gives a look into our lives that day.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Make a Joyful Noise

Lexi has been taking piano lessons from her Dad for the last few weeks using a digital keyboard and a wonderful Christian piano course we ordered. It was time for her to move on to a true piano keyboard so, this last week we purchased a digital piano with weighted keys. It is so nice having a piano in our home and listening to my husband play and Lexi practice her lessons.

Devin has also begun learning how to play the guitar, something we were going to wait for awhile on but, Devin's piano lessons have been progressing nicely - he is picking things up pretty quickly. So, we made a decision to also let him have his own guitar, his instrument of choice.

Ava Mae is not quiet old enough to start formal piano lessons, though she has enjoyed learning some basics, so right now when Devin and Lexi are practicing she plays the tambourine.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Our Evening Visitors

The kids and I have really been enjoying our unit study on Backyard Birds. Our feeders have been a big hit with the birds and we are getting ready to purchase a new shepherd's hook for our hummingbird feeder so that we can place that feeder closer to our front window.

One of the great aspects of our unit study has been documenting what new birds arrive at our feeder. The kids get so excited when they spot something new. One set of birds who have been regulars almost since we put up the feeder over a month ago have been two Mourning Doves. They arrive every evening around 5PM. They enjoy eating the leftover seed that the birds who have visited the feeder during the day have discarded to the ground. We decided recently to supplement that with some extra bird seed for our nightly visitors and we have been rewarded with longer visits.

Over the next few weeks we are joining in on the Outdoor Hour Challenge over at this blog. We are looking forward to learning more about some of our more frequent visitors to our feeders.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

China's Terracotta Army

Yesterday we took a fieldtrip to the High Museum to see the exhibit of China's Terracotta Army. It is only here until April 19th and it was apparent with all the visitors. To prepare for our fieldtrip the kids have been studying the First Emperor of China. We have been reading about him in our history book, Story of the World. We also watched quite a bit of the documentary, which we were able to find on YouTube.

It was an amazing exhibit, we could not believe the detail of the army men, made of terracotta. Also interesting, were other artifacts on display that they have found, most of them were for what they believed would be the First Emperor's afterlife.

Here is a group shot with our friends before we entered the High.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St. Patrick's Day

Happy St. Patrick's Day! With my husband's Irish heritage this is a holiday we always celebrate. This year the kids did a study on St. Patrick the patron Saint of Ireland. We learned who he was, his life, what he believed in, and all he did for the people of Ireland. We did a few sections of a lapbook from Hands of a Child, read a book about leprechauns, and learned how St. Patrick used a shamrock to teach the people of Ireland the Holy Trinity. We also learned a few new Gaelic phrases.

Tonight for dinner we are having a traditional Irish meal followed by an "Irish" cake that Ava Mae and I made together.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


Today at church our pastor spoke on Contentment ... my word for the year. It made me go today and reflect on what has been going on in my life, so far this year, in regard to Contentment. One thing that really jumped out at me and got my attention ... our pastor mentioned that are we content in just some areas of our life but, struggling in others. I think it is easy for me to give some areas over to God but, to try and hold on to other areas that I feel I should be more in control.

I also realized I really need to be careful about letting others stir up discontentment in my heart. Sometimes life is going along great but, a meeting with a friend or friends, and hearing the wonderful things they are doing can bring me to begin feeling discontentment in my heart. I need to remind myself in those moments that "Contentment" is when all my desires are held back. I need to find my peace in Jesus Christ.

"... do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. An the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Phil 4:6-7

In the coming months, I would like to find myself in a better place Contentment wise. Especially in the following areas:

~ Homeschooling Decisions - curriculum, classes, etc.
~ Family Relations

I need to rejoice in the areas that I truly feel content:

~ My marriage and our family life
~ Our home and other earthly possessions - we live such an abundant life I can not imagine how someone in our area could be discontent in this part of their life.

"Now there is great gain in godliness with contentment ... " 1 Timothy 6:6

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Flat Stanley

We took a wonderful field trip this week to see "Flat Stanley" at the Cobb Energy Performing Arts Center. I wasn't sure what to expect but, it was a great performance and the kids enjoyed every minute. Our seats were perfect, on the lower level just a few rows back from the stage. We were able to attend with a few of our homeschool friends which always make our field trips more fun!

Catching Up

Spring is springing up around us and, naturally, I find myself outside more and more with my kids as we enjoy nature studies and just playing outside. It has left little time for me to keep this blog updated ... the past few weeks have been a fun whirlwind. Here are a few pictures to catch my blog up ...

Lunch with my brother Donnie during his week long visit with us.
Lexi in her performance of the "The Tale of Three Trees".

Monday, March 2, 2009

A Weekend Away and A Snow Day ...

This past weekend I enjoyed some time away with a few girlfriends at a vacation home up in Big Canoe. We drank margaritas, watched Chick Flicks, stayed up late, slept in, and enjoyed some rubber stamping projects. It was a wonderful treat!

I drove home on Sunday with one of my friends and as we got closer and closer to Atlanta the snow began and then became thicker and thicker ... it was so fun to get home just in time to enjoy this fun afternoon with my little ones. It only snows here in Atlanta, if we are lucky, once a year. You can imagine my kids excitement ... this is the one day they wait for all year!