
Sunday, March 29, 2009


This past Wednesday our homeschool group took a field trip to the Northwestern Georgia Science Museum - Tellus. Our tour focused primarily on the fossil exhibit, though we did get a chance to visit many of the other areas of the museum.

The beginning was a little rocky as we have focused, up to this point, on Creationism and our tour was all about Evolution. Definitely confusing for my kids but, it was a good learning opportunity. We talked alot on Thursday about different theories and why we believe what we believe.

Some of the really fun activities we participated in were taking part in a fossil dig - where the kids each got a chance to unearth three small fossils to take home;

visiting the Transportation Exhibit with wonderful displays of old fashioned automobiles, airplanes and a brief section on the space program;

we also were able to spend some time in a hands on area where the kids were FINALLY able to learn from hands-on exhibits, the best kind.

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