
Saturday, April 4, 2009

Week In Review

This week brought lots of rain, again. We took advantage of the days we had sunshine and shortened our lessons to spend more time outside. My girls love looking and trying hard not to pick all the blooming trees, shrubs and plants in our yard. Spring has sprung!!

This week we have continued our Bird Study using The Outdoor Hour's suggestions. This week we studied the Cardinal. We always see Cardinals at our birdfeeder, males and females always arrive together.

Ava Mae has surprised me with her requests for doing schoolwork everyday this week. I found a great workbook to go through with her back in the Fall. I thought it would be a starting point for her and help me assess where we needed to focus. Little did I know I would open the workbook and Ava Mae would show me she already knew all of her letters and numbers. I guess she has been paying more attention than I thought while playing in the room while we are doing schoolwork.

Next week we are on Spring Break. Heading to Asheville, North Carolina where it appears we will have snow. It will not be a really warm Spring Break but, we have some great fieldtrips planned, mostly indoor. ;) The kids cannot wait to leave but, we have one important event to attend before heading out of town. I will post more on that tonight ... it is a surprise.

We arrive back in town on Thursday and our plan is to do some fun Easter studies - including Ressurection Eggs to be done along with the book Benjamin's Box, making Ressurection Cookies, and, of course, dying Easter Eggs.

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