
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Best Friends

Lexi and her best friend, Grace, got matching haircuts today. These two girls have such a love for each other, a special relationship that so few of us can say we have had in our lives from toddler age.

I tell Lexi all the time what a special gift God has given her. The other night Lexi came into my room and said "Mom, I cannot wait until I am a teenager and have my own cell phone." I thought this was a strange statement and asked what she meant, her reply, "well, it means I can talk to Grace 24 hours a day ... we can text each other all the time."

I am not sure that will happen, in fact I cannot be sure of what the future holds for their relationship, only God knows the plans he has for these two. How amazing though to have a lifetime of memories in just six short years.

Above ~ Lexi and Grace, 3 years old, April 2006.
Below ~ Lexi and Grace, 6 years old, April 2009.

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