
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The End is Near ...

So hard to believe that we are now rolling into the last week of homeschooling ... coupled with all the other activities winding down during the next few days, it all just seems a little surreal.

It really does seem like just yesterday we were starting our school year ... Fall was fast approaching and I was wondering what the year would hold for us. I am so happy to look back on a year where Devin and Lexi both made great strides in both Reading and Math. Lexi began the year struggling with remembering all of her letter sounds and now she is reading on a 1st grade level. Devin's reading has also taken off along with his Math. We had a great time studying Ancient Egypt, China and Africa and took some wonderful field trips.

In 3 short months another school year will begin but, for now, it is time for swimming, long playdates in the park, summer camps and fun with friends!

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