
Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day

Today, we are remembering my brother Sean, who is currently serving with his unit in Iraq. Sean has a wife and two adorable daughters back in Oklahoma, who he misses so much! He is heading home in 14 days for his 2 week R&R. I am praying that these next few weeks pass quickly and that his time back at home is restful. I pray every night for his safety and the safety of his unit. Today, the kids worked on a box for us to ship to Sean and his unit.

The kids made Sean cards and letters, I made some cards for his unit to use to send back state side for their friends and family, and of course, we packed up some snacks.

Memorial Day normally finds us at our Club swimming and enjoying a cook out but, with the weather being so rainy it gave us time to focus more on what this day is all about, honoring those who so bravely defend our country!

1 comment:

  1. What a great opportunity to love on a "real" soldier...esp. a family member. So thankful for them all! See you soon!
    Oh, we got our yearbook yesterday. Oh-my-goodness!!! Thanks again!
