
Thursday, June 25, 2009

Dusting Off my Event Planner Hat

Prior to kids I was a Professional Event Planner. I handled everything from corporate events, to small receptions, to $100,000 weddings. It was alot of work but, also, alot of fun and a career I really enjoyed. After I began having children it became obvious that I could not devote the time I needed to this career and I ended up closing my company.

I have since enjoyed planning events for friends, offering up my skills for the Women's Ministry Team at church - planning events and the Women's Retreat. My brother approached me a few months ago about possibly helping with a few things for a large scale event he was planning in Asheville, North Carolina. I have now taken on an official role for the event as the VIP Experiences Coordinator for Grand Slam Asheville. I am handling the VIP Reception and other special experiences we have come up with for this fun event.

It has been great to dust off my Event Planner Hat and jump right back in though, in retrospect, I can not imagine doing something like this during the school year. Right now, I can easily ask the kids to go read quietly or watch a movie while I answer the deluge of calls and emails. So, the timing for this event was perfect. It also helps that when we do things like run to the pool, I have my iPhone I can work from.

The funny thing is all the press coverage we have already received ... including, Sports Illustrated picking up the story and running it on their website devoted to Wimbledon Coverage, even mentioning me by name.

It is going to be an exciting summer though, I think we will all look forward to our week long beach vacation after Grand Slam Asheville in August.

1 comment:

  1. Oh how fun!! Good for you. I prayed about doing some interior decorating on the side. I did some private work for a few people in Andy's previous office before I had Lydie. And I would LOVE to do more. In fact, that's one of the reasons I loved working with the events for WIC, too! I had grand ideas of starting a non-profit and remodeling/redecorating for those less fortunate. But, like you, after a year of home schooling, I realize this is not the time. But, I think these smaller opportunities at just the right time are wonderful. It feels so good to use your gifts/artistic talents outside the home, too! I hope you enjoy it and I can't wait to hear how it goes.
