
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Small Acts

This past year in school the kids and I focused on how we could be the feet and hands of Jesus ... especially to those who may not know him. In fact, one of our family rules is "Look for ways to serve others selflessly with no thought of reward or self-gain". The problem I find I have with mercy ministry is thinking that everything we do has to be on a large scale. Recently, I began reading a book "Small Acts of Grace", it has helped me to rethink the way we do things. It has given me peace in our small acts ...

Today I had the chance to serve at a summer camp for underprivileged children in downtown Atlanta. It is an opportunity that I have had for the last few summers and one I have always enjoyed. Our church signs up for dates to serve lunch to the 50 - 80 campers they have. We prepared one of the camp favorites today, taco salad.

Ava Mae decided a few weeks ago that she wanted a way to serve homeless people ... she came up with the idea of doing chores around the house to earn money. It is not a lot but, with watching sales and using coupons we are able to purchase items that a local food bank needs for just pennies on the dollar.

Lexi loves making cards for people, we found a special rubberstamp she could use on the inside to let the recipient know that we are praying for them.

We pray that God will continue to place in our lives ways, large or small, that we can be Jesus' feet and hands.

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