
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

American Girl Stamp Camp

Today was the final stamp camp I am teaching for this summer ... an American Girl Stamp Camp with a Birthday Theme. It sounds strange to say the last stamp camp of the summer, but with school starting back so early here in our area and with our end of the year kids' camp schedule, VBS, Grand Slam Asheville and our beach vacation I just could not fit in another camp.

So, today's camp I had a good friend join me and we were able to take 14 girls. It was so much fun and the 4 hours just flew by. We made 4 projects, had a picnic lunch and a birthday party for all the American Girl Dolls. We sang Happy Birthday to each of the dolls individually ... that was alot of "Happy Birthday To You" and the girls had some fun playtime.

Camps ... another reason I love summer!

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