
Friday, July 17, 2009

My 100th Post - Foto Friday

I can't believe I am already at my 100th post ... I began this blog last August to chronicle our daily lives as a homeschool family. It is a great way, during the school year, to keep track of all the things we do - experiments, field trips, special projects and extra curricular activities. At the end of this year, in December, we will have a full 12 months during one year chronicled. I am going to turn it into our Year End Scrapbook by having my posts all printed and bound by a company into a professional looking book.

So, the lucky 100th post today, Foto Friday - it is a picture I took while in Asheville and I think it is one of my faves of all times because of the artsy look. The picture is of my sister Cassie lifting up Ava Mae so that she could pretend she was in the movie UP and being lifted off the ground by her helium balloons. The picture was taken inside the Grove Arcade which is a beautiful building architecturally wise.

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