
Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Simple Woman's Daybook

For Today from my Simple Woman's Daybook...

Outside my window...
a beautiful cool morning, especially for July. What a gift from God!
I am thinking...
about VBS next week - serving 250 kids/crew leaders snack and seeing how God works through us.
From our homeschool room... plans are coming together for next year, organizing is beginning, new school supplies and curriculum are being purchased.
I am thankful for...
date night tonight with my hubby (dinner and a movie)!! Thankful for the Rhyne's watching our kids.
From the kitchen...
Blueberry and Peach cobbler we made this week was so yummy! I love the fruits of summer.
I am wearing... jeans, tshirt and flip flops.
I am reading...
Into The Wild by Jon Krakauer and Lessons at Blackberry Inn by Karen Andreola (a great Charlotte Mason book).
I am hoping...
for a wonderful Saturday with my husband and kids.
I am creating...
some cards to send to friends.
I am praying... for a friend who is suffering from a horrible illness and her family - that they may be strengthened, for a friend who leaves today on a Mountain Climbing Expedition - praying for God to keep her safe and that God work through her during this trip, for the children who will attend our VBS this week - that may of them would come to know Jesus, my family - my husband and children.
Around the house...
it is a day for cleaning and trying to catch up on laundry before a very busy week.
One of my favorite things... my iPhone!
A few plans for the coming week...
VBS "Crocodile Dock"
Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...

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