
Thursday, August 13, 2009

Devin turns 8!

I always look back on my kids' birthdays and wonder where the time has gone ... has it really been 8 years since this precious boy was born? Here is a peek back in time ...

Devin's first birthday party ... just a month before I gave birth to #2.

Devin's 3rd Birthday ... a construction theme.

Devin turns 5 and we celebrate by taking a bunch of friends to a Rome Braves Game for tailgating and baseball watching fun in 100+ degree temps. What troopers all of our guests were!

Devin was so excited, he was up until Midnight last night and awake at the crack of dawn this morning. We had a nice morning, I made cinnamon rolls for breakfast and Devin opened his gifts from us. He also enjoyed teaching the girls the art of trading baseball cards, the only gift he asked for. This afternoon, we celebrated with some close friends by having a baseball party at a sports training facility.

Happy Birthday Devin! What a wonderful gift from God you are.

1 comment:

  1. What darling pictures. You have beautiful kids. Thanks for sharing the big day with us.
