
Sunday, August 2, 2009

For Today from my Simple Woman's Daybook...

Outside my window...
the sun has set and the lightning bugs are glowing.

I am thinking... what a relaxing week this will be.

From our homeschool room... our new curriculum has arrived (Winter Promise). Now organization will begin for the coming school year.

I am thankful for...
celebrating my 19th Wedding Anniversary this week with my wonderful soul mate.

From the kitchen...
trying to figure out the best way to use all the tomatoes and green peppers we are harvesting.

I am wearing... shorts, tshirt and flip flops.

I am reading...
mostly our new curriculum's teacher's guide. I am heading to the used bookstore this week to purchase some books to read at the beach.

I am hoping...
for time this week to reach the bottom of the laundry pile.

I am creating... birthday cards for kid's parties we are attending this week.

I am praying... for God's guidance as I plan out our school year. Remembering the words of our pastor today and deciding that Matthew 6:33 will be our scripture this year for our homeschool "But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.."

Around the house...
tomorrow is a day for cleaning and catching up on laundry.

One of my favorite things... the smell of the air after a rainstorm!

A few plans for the coming week...
Homeschool Group Meeting, Stamp Club, Birthday Parties to attend and one to finish planning for.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...
A little girl playdate with our homeschool friends ...


  1. Happy Anniversary!! I hope you have a wonderful day with your honey!

    I will be praying that you have a wonderful homeschooling year, I am sure it will go very well! Your kids are precious by the way! I am stopping by from Simple Womans Daybook

  2. Love you, Alicia! Hope you have a great week! Sounds like it will be a fun one!
