
Sunday, September 20, 2009

Lexi turns 7

Yesterday Lexi turned 7 years old! Has it really been seven years since I was a Mom of a 13 month old and a newborn? That was a crazy time. Sometimes I wonder how we made it through, most of those days seem like a blur.

On Saturday night we had a family party, we cooked Lexi's favorite dinner (steak) and made her favorite cake (Death by Chocolate).

Yesterday, we celebrated with a few of Lexi's homeschool friends at a famous local diner. Our plan had also been to have an afternoon of craft projects back at our home but, Ava Mae had run a fever the night before and we did not want to take the chance of spreading any germs to anyone. The girls all had a great time at the Diner and we loved listening to their giggles and the excitement level when it was time to open presents. A couple of the sweet waitresses at the diner even gave Lexi cash for her birthday, which we have decided to use to purchase food for MUST Ministries.

Lexi we are so proud of the smart, beautiful and talented young lady you have become. Many days I feel like you are wise beyond your years. Since a young age you have been a little mom. I remember when you were just 4 years old you would get Ava Mae out of her crib change her diaper and bring her to me in the morning. Remember to use all those talents that God has given you for his honor. Happy Birthday Lexi ... we love you so much and are blessed by the gift God has given us!!!

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