
Friday, September 4, 2009

My Homeschool Post Swap Sister

This past month I have had the pleasure of getting to know Amanda over at The Daily Planet. Amanda is the sweetest most mature 19 year old I have met in quite awhile. I have really enjoyed getting to know her this past month through her emails, Facebook updates and blog.

These pictures are of the awesome package I received from Amanda today. Both of the items just made my day, a candle in one of my favorite scents and a notebook she created for me as a place to keep favorite recipes I run across and as a bonus she wrote some of her favorite recipes in the book. What is so ironic is that since being on bedrest for the last week I have been clipping recipes out of the newspapers and magazines I have been reading.

Thanks to the Homeschool Post for hosting this fun swap and thanks to Amanda for being a great Swap Sister!!


  1. awww! I'm so glad you liked it! :)
    thank you so much for the big box of goodies you sent me! Can't wait to share about it.

  2. Amanda is a sweetheart, isn't she?! :)

    HSB Suzanne (aka Anita)
