
Saturday, October 3, 2009

Weekly Wrap Up

Week 5 and the beginning of Fall brought a great week of school! The kids were up early each morning so that we could finish our studies and get outside. We found time to plant our pumpkin seedlings ... I know we will not have pumpkins before Halloween or even Thanksgiving but, the kids really wanted to plant these. Next year, we will begin earlier. :)

So here is what we did this week along with our Math and Reading ...

Bible - We are continuing with our book "Our 24 Family Ways" it has great readings from the Bible each day, scripture and discussion time. This week we talked about how God wants us to Honor our Parents.

History - Winter Promise - Week 4 - We studied quiet a bit about Early Explorers with a focus on Christopher Columbus. We are on track to study the Pilgrims and all about the first Thanksgiving in November. I think I am also going to order the LapBook from In The Hands of a Child on Thanksgiving to go more in depth. My kids love LapBooks and I have always found great ones to use at In The Hands of a Child.

Language - This year we are using a book from Queen Homeschool - Language Lessons for the Very Young 2, based on a Charlotte Mason style approach to language. The lessons are easy for the kids to understand and normally take no longer than 20 minutes to complete.

Literature - Continuing on in the book "Birchbark House" - not an easy read but, the kids are captivated by it now and I have learned to just substitute the Indian words for English. We should finish up with that book next week and we will be on to a new one.

Five In A Row - Ava Mae chose Madeline as our book for the week. We learned a little about France and our plans next week are to make an Apple Tart to go along with our 2nd Madeline book we are going to read.

Other than our school work we had a fun week playing outside in the nice cool Fall weather. Devin had a baseball game Tuesday night and was the Player of the Game after having an awesome couple of innings. Lexi and Ava Mae are working hard at ballet and tap - they are learning their dances for the performance of "How the Grinch Found Christmas" that they will perform in December.

This weekend ... another baseball game, church, grocery shopping and cleaning house.


  1. Ahhh, fall, what a great time of year. Your Bible book sounds really interesting, I don't know anything about it. Thanks for sharing your week and for stopping by my blog!

  2. Sounds like a fun week. Fall is such a graet time of year. I really miss living in a place with more fall activities like apple picking and cider mills.

  3. I love fall too, it's my favorite season. Good luck with the pumpkins. Ah Madeline, I remember those books!

  4. Add my name to the "I love fall" vote. Fall is, hands down, my favorite time of year.

    I love that first picture of your kids and the cat. An orange tabby cat is going to be my "empty nest cat" some day. I have visions of him lying curled up nearby while I work on the book I've always dreamed of writing...and he'll never whine at the door for him to take him out like the dogs do.

    Of course, I'm learning toward having an empty nest boxer, too, so I guess I'll still be taking somebody out. ;-)

    Have a great week!

  5. Great week! We are using the Queen Homeschool Language book for the elementary child - I really like it so far! It is nice how it uses a wide range of different lesson types.

    Have a great week,

