
Monday, November 30, 2009

An Amazing Gift

Last week, right before Thanksgiving a girlfriend called me and asked if I was sitting down, I was waiting to hear something absolutely crazy. It was crazy alright and amazing ... our friends had extra VIP tickets to the Miley Cyrus concert and were inviting us to attend with them.

The concert was last night and it was a once in a lifetime opportunity for the girls and I. We were even able to bless one of our other friends with a ticket. We met up with our friends at their home in Buckhead to get dressed, then off to OK Cafe for dinner, after that we headed to the concert. The tickets came with a suite and VIP Parking right outside our suite at Philips Arena - I think all of that was lost on the girls but, the ease of getting in and out of Philips Arena was a wonderful treat for me!

Miley Cyrus performed for 90 minutes and the music and set changes were spectacular! The girls were just in awe ... it will be a night we will not soon forget. What an amazing gift!

Friend Makin Monday - Christmas Survey

Amber is hosting Friend Makin Monday ... hop on over to her blog to join in on the fun and make some new friends!

1. Favorite website: This time of year -

2. Favorite color: At Christmas, Red and Gold

3. Facebook: Addicted ... love to keep up with all my friends and family this way.

4. Favorite Christmas song: Joseph's Lullaby by Mercy Me

5. Christmas tree: Real or fake? For years and years we had a real tree but, three years ago we bought a prelit 7.5 foot tree and have not looked back. This year we have two trees a skinnier 7.5 foot tree in the Family Room and our large tree in the Formal Living Room.

6. Hottest celebrity: Get back to you on this one ...

7. Favorite restaurant: Bones

8. Favorite magazine: Do I have to pick just one ... Country Living, Simple, Martha Stewart, Old Schoolhouse, Southern Living, and Stamp It. Hi, my name is Alicia and I have a magazine addiction.

9. Favorite thing to drink around the holidays: Hot Chocolate with Whip Cream

10. Favorite Christmas movie: Santa Claus: The Movie, Polar Express, Elf, A Christmas Carol (classic version), It's a Wonderful Life, Miracle on 34th Street (original) and all those sappy movies that come on ABC Family during the 24 Days of Christmas

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

We are thankful for so many things this Thanksgiving ... for a roof above our heads, for our family, for our dear sweet friends, for a God who loves us and so much more!

We hope all of our friends had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Here are a few glimpses of ours ...

Monday, November 23, 2009

Friend Makin Monday - Thanksgiving Edition

I saw this on another friend's blog and just loved the idea ... join in on the fun by heading over to Amber's Blog.

1. Turkey or Ham?
Both, a 15 pound fresh turkey - brined then roasted and a 15 pound ham from the Honey Baked Ham Store.
2. Favorite side dish. Has to be my Company Potatoes Dish, bascially dressed up mashed potatoes baked in a large casserole dish in the oven. My family loves the toppings - cheddar cheese, scallions and french fried onions.
3. Favorite dessert. Toss up between Paula Deen's Pumpkin Cake and Pecan Pie.
4. Black Friday: Are you going or not? Absolutely going, this year my husband is joining in on the fun! So thankful for our friend Jen who will be at our home before 5AM so we can head out bright and early.
5. If so, what's on the top of your list? Blu Ray Player, iPod Shuffle, Flip Camera
6. Going out of town or staying close to home? At home.
7. Hosting or helping? Hosting ... ten in all.
8. Name one family tradition at Thanksgiving. Watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade while preparing dinner. Talking about the things we are thankful for over the last year during our Thanksgiving Meal.
9. What do you do after dinner? Look through all the Black Friday Ads and make a game plan for the next day.
10. What are you most thankful for this year? My husband and kids and our dear friends, who are like family.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Our Littlest Ballerina

This past week was parent's observation week for the girls' ballet school. Lexi is Pre-Invitational Level now so she does not have an observation class but, Ava Mae did. Here are some photos I shot from the class. Ava Mae is excited to have two of her church friends in class with her now.

We are so lucky to have a Christian ballet school just 8 minutes from our home with a loving Director/Teacher, Ms. Lisa!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Operation Christmas Child

This week we had the opportunity to get together with our good friends and pack our Operation Christmas Child Boxes. I love the fact that this year you can print off a bar code for your box so that you can track where you box is heading. Devin, Lexi, and Ava Mae each did a box for a child their age.

What a fun way to start the holiday season.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Thanksgiving Crafting

Last night I met up with a few of my good friends for a night of crafting for Thanksgiving ... here is a peek at what I got done, my Thanksgiving card, placecards for Thanksgiving dinner and favors both for friends and our dinner.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Touches of Thanksgiving

I am looking forward to hosting a Thanksgiving Dinner at our home next week! I am finishing up decorating for Thanksgiving ... here are a few touches I have added. Pictured above are the Pilgrims my Mom gave me many years ago that will grace our Buffet. Pictured below is the "Indian Candy Corn" which no one seems to be able to leave alone ... I think I will be purchasing another bag before Thanksgiving.

I am looking forward to a crafting night tomorrow with friends to create handstamped placecards and favors for everyone attending our dinner. I also thought I would bless some of my new friends at Cardiac Rehab with a Thanksgiving Favor on Thursday.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Rock Ranch

Another amazing field trip! Today we headed to Rock Ranch located about an hour South of Atlanta in Barnesville. RR is Truett Cathy's working cattle ranch but, it is so much more than that. Everything from a petting zoo, awesome playground, and hayride to the special themed field trips. Our field trip today was Pilgrims to Pioneer Days. The kids were able to grind corn, see what a log cabin was like back in the days of Abraham Lincoln, learn about the first Thanksgiving, and talk about Native Americans. My favorite station we rotated through had to be the First Thanksgiving - this station was taught by a sweet older woman who anyone would want for a grandmother. She shared with us that she has baked over 3,000 little corn muffins to give out at the end of her talk in the last few weeks and will have baked over 5,000 by the time she is done in a few weeks.

Here are our pictures ...

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Our Weekend

What a fun weekend we had ... a beautiful drive up to Chattanooga, taking in the breathtaking fall leaves. The most gorgeous Saturday weather we have had in a long time (no rain) ... Fun times with friends ... Watching Soap Box Derby races and cheering on our friend ...

Friday, November 6, 2009

Our Thankful Tree

This November we are doing a unit study on Thanksgiving and the Pilgrims. Each day we are also adding to our Thankful Tree. I cut a bunch of circles out of orange cardstock and punched tiny holes in the top so that we could tie the circles with twine to our branch that we found on our last nature walk. That branch has become our Thankful Tree and on Thanksgiving we will read all the tags and find out what everyone in our family is thankful for.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Ava Mae Turns 5!

Can it really be five years ago today that my sweet baby girl was placed in my arms ... where does the time go?

Ava Mae is the definite baby of three children ... she can have her share of drama and whining when she does not get her way but, Ava Mae can also turn on the charm and her hugs are the best in the world.

Ava Mae was a surprise after two children in 13 months we were just beginning to enjoy some semblance of a routine. I could not have imagined having another baby ... I am so glad God had other plans as I could not imagine our lives without Ava Mae. Happy Birthday baby girl!!

Pictured Below, photographs from Ava Mae's Birthday Lunch with our good friends at the American Girl Bistro. Ava Mae's request for this birthday, the historical doll, Kirsten.