
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Ava Mae Turns 5!

Can it really be five years ago today that my sweet baby girl was placed in my arms ... where does the time go?

Ava Mae is the definite baby of three children ... she can have her share of drama and whining when she does not get her way but, Ava Mae can also turn on the charm and her hugs are the best in the world.

Ava Mae was a surprise after two children in 13 months we were just beginning to enjoy some semblance of a routine. I could not have imagined having another baby ... I am so glad God had other plans as I could not imagine our lives without Ava Mae. Happy Birthday baby girl!!

Pictured Below, photographs from Ava Mae's Birthday Lunch with our good friends at the American Girl Bistro. Ava Mae's request for this birthday, the historical doll, Kirsten.

1 comment:

  1. What a precious little thing! Glad she had a great bday!!
