
Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Weighing In

One of my fellow homeschool blogging moms began a new blog last week to track her weight loss journey. She has had some great posts. It is always fun to take that journey with someone!

Kris is hosting a Weigh In on her blog and so this is my linked post. To catch y'all up ... I began my weight loss journey at the beginning of October when I began cardiac rehab. I am following Weight Watchers with the approval of my doctor and my cardiac rehab team. Since October 1st, I have lost a total of 20 pounds. Last week after working out 5 days in my regular gym I lost 3.8 pounds, and that was after Thanksgiving dinner.

My goal through the holidays is to continue losing. That can be really hard and I would not be disappointed if a few of the weeks I end up maintaining but, my goal is to lose. I am so excited about how much better I am feeling already. My EKG's in Cardiac Rehab have improved in leaps and bounds. I am also proud of the fact that I have been getting up on off days from rehab to workout at 5:45AM, not an easy feat being I am a night person.

My first big goal I set for myself was to lose 10% of my body weight - I am over half way there!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Nearly 4 lbs on Thanksgiving week is AWESOME!!! Way to go!
