
Friday, January 8, 2010

First Snow Day 2010

Some years we are lucky and get several snow days ... other years we get none. We have learned to enjoy them when they come along, it is such a treat! Of course, as homeschoolers, "snow days" do not have the same meaning as those who attend school but, today we decided to just enjoy the day.

Pictured below ... the kids in a perfect white front yard - even the driveway and road that runs in front of our home were completely white.

Snow Days require a special breakfast of pancakes and hot chocolate - served up in snowman mugs.
Snow Days also require a special end to the evening - smores. And, if that special treat requires you to leave and go out on the icy roads to pick up supplies, almost taking out your neighbor's mailbox as you slide down the hill in front of your home - well that just makes the day even more adventurous. :)

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