
Friday, February 26, 2010

All Our Bags are Packed ...

Dog is groomed, name tags made, trading pin lanyards ready, online check in complete ... just one sleep left until we head to Disney. Our plan originally was to make the 7 hour drive on Sunday but, there is the most amazing Discount Christian Bookstore right on the Florida/Georgia line off of 75 that we just have to stop at. No book is over $3 and they have some really great stuff! I normally stock up on gifts, books for the kids, and devotionals for at least a whole year. So we decided to just drive half way on Saturday, after my husband gets done coaching my son's first baseball practice for the Spring Season.

I have already heard the typical ... "I'm too excited to sleep" from my kids this evening. I don't blame them ... I am super excited too! Though I am just as excited about our stop tomorrow night at the bookstore. ;)

Disney ... here we come!!

Monday, February 22, 2010

A Weekend About Friendship

This weekend I was blessed to get away with other women from our church for our annual - Women's Retreat. This year our theme was "Girlfriends Rejoicing In Their Savior". What a wonderful message we were able to hear!! I even had an opportunity to share just a little how God has blessed me with so many wonderful Christian women who have been by my side over the last seven years through so much.

The bible verse God placed on my heart prior to sharing this testimony was "Friends come and friends go, but a true friend sticks by you like family". Proverbs 18:24

On Sunday, I raced home from the retreat to attend the baptism of a friend's daughter. It was so sweet and my daughter's were so excited to be invited to attend this special moment in their friend's life.

Of course, fun weekends can not be without some drama ... I came home to a husband running a 103 degree temperature and suffering from strep throat. But, once again, I was blessed by my dear friend Tammy who showed up on my door step later in the day with dinner and bags of groceries. God is so good! He has truly blessed me with women who are showing me what it looks like to be the hands and feet of God.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Who Do You Think You Are

My Mom was contacted around a year ago by a Hollywood producer about a show they were putting together. She was asked to send pictures of a particular relative, who had passed away many years ago. Of course, she was sworn to secrecy and had to sign a bunch of forms to that affect.

Here is a preview clip of the show ... My family is related to one of the stars. I am not one to get all star struck but, I do enjoy a good mystery and love to dabble in research of my ancestors.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Derby Car Time

This is what we have been working on for the last week ... derby cars. Lexi is entering the competition for the first time this year. She decided not to race and instead is entering the art division. Devin is racing for the second year and once again we had issues putting his wheels on which necessitated me using my hot glue gun to make sure one of the axles stays in place.

I am sad to be missing the competition again this year but, I am off tomorrow on our church's Women's Retreat. Being a co-chair for the event I really could not pull out. My husband promises to keep me updated by text and pictures during the night - so I don't miss out on any of the fun.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

A Valentine's Day Surprise

This is the note the kids awoke to this morning ... Daune and I both had to laugh. The kids were in complete shock. Lexi even got upset because she thought we were playing a joke on them. I think they were still half asleep (we woke them early as Daune had to go to worship team rehearsal before church).

Once the kids realized we were being serious they were so excited!! The countdown begins - we leave in 14 days for Walt Disney World, for a one week vacation.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

A Southern Snowstorm

We got our big snowstorm this year ... we measured 4 inches here at our home by Friday night. Today, with all of our activities canceled, the kids spent the day outside playing in the snow - snowball fights, building snowmen, and sliding down our icy street.

What a fun start to our Valentine's weekend!!

Friday, February 12, 2010

A Special Valentine's Date

Tonight my husband took our two daughters on a special Father/Daughter Valentine's Date, a yearly tradition. They went to a fancy restaurant, all dressed up, braving the icy roads during a crazy Southern snowstorm.
The girls loved getting all dressed up and their excitement level was almost uncontrollable.

They both got a special gift at dinner - a sterling silver bracelet with a heart inscribed "2010". My husband hopes to add a special charm each year.

While they were on their date our son treated me to dinner at our favorite local diner. I think we were both a little nervous about the road conditions getting worse to linger long but, we brought home a yummy brownie to share.

Then shortly after our return we got to hear all about the girls date with their Daddy. They had so much fun!

Monday, February 8, 2010

What to do ...

on a 55 degree Winter Day, with sunshine? Climb trees, of course!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Valentine's Stamp Class for Homeschoolers

On Friday I held a stamp class with a Valentine's Theme for homeschool girls. We made three projects - two cards and a treat holder.
After crafting we enjoyed a snack ... pink cupcakes.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Winter Basketball

Again this winter Devin is playing Upward Basketball. We have not had as positive of an experience this year which I know is in part due to us switching churches we played at. Many of the kids on Devin's team do not have a relationship with Jesus Christ and I feel like his coaches must have had a disagreement early on as they hardly ever speak to each other. Devin is not too disappointed. We keep reminding him that he plays basketball for fun a break between Fall and Spring baseball and it is nothing to get worked up over.

We did enjoy Upward Night at KSU this past Saturday. The kids had a great time watching college basketball players up close. I am not a huge basketball fan myself but, I have to admit, it was pretty exciting.
Pictured below is my favorite photo of Devin during his basketball game this past Saturday. He stopped to fix the tag on the shirt of the opposing team's player he was guarding.