
Monday, February 22, 2010

A Weekend About Friendship

This weekend I was blessed to get away with other women from our church for our annual - Women's Retreat. This year our theme was "Girlfriends Rejoicing In Their Savior". What a wonderful message we were able to hear!! I even had an opportunity to share just a little how God has blessed me with so many wonderful Christian women who have been by my side over the last seven years through so much.

The bible verse God placed on my heart prior to sharing this testimony was "Friends come and friends go, but a true friend sticks by you like family". Proverbs 18:24

On Sunday, I raced home from the retreat to attend the baptism of a friend's daughter. It was so sweet and my daughter's were so excited to be invited to attend this special moment in their friend's life.

Of course, fun weekends can not be without some drama ... I came home to a husband running a 103 degree temperature and suffering from strep throat. But, once again, I was blessed by my dear friend Tammy who showed up on my door step later in the day with dinner and bags of groceries. God is so good! He has truly blessed me with women who are showing me what it looks like to be the hands and feet of God.

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