
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Field Trip: Hyde Farm

Today we took a great field trip to Hyde Farm. It was quite educational - we learned alot about the early settlers in our area including the Native Americans who called East Cobb home. It is always amazing to me to think about the fact that when the original log home and barn were built on this property little did those settlers know that 160 years later school kids would be coming to look up close at what their life was like.

This year we studied a little about the Native Americans and early settlers so it is always nice to follow that up with a field trip that ties into our learning.

It was a marvelous day weather wise! I just love, love Spring!! Here are just a few snapshots of our day. Afterwards, we enjoyed lunch with our dear homeschool friends.

Unfortunately, I forgot to put the camera card back in my camera before our field trip so my photographs are all from my iPhone. Not the best means of taking photos but, at least I had that with me.

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