
Friday, March 12, 2010

Weekly Wrap Up - The Post Disney Week

Weekly Wrap Up: Post Disney Edition.

We are joining Kris over at Wierd, Unsocialized Homeschoolers blog and posting our Weekly Wrap Up. Jump on over and join in on the fun.

Post Disney blahs it what I should officially name this past week. It took us a day or two to come down from our Disney high and refocus on school work. We decided to take Monday off as the weather was beautiful outside and I needed a day to get us reorganized for school work. It worked out well as the rest of the week it has rained and we have not enjoyed anytime outside.

Devin has finished up his Horizons Math and we are in the middle of reviewing for his mandated State testing this year. It is his first year to test and so I picked up a CRCT Review Book to go over everything that will be covered on the test. We have mainly been reviewing Math but, we have also touched on areas of Geography, History and Grammar. Some of it I am just not going to worry about as obviously we do not align ourselves with the State of Georgia when it comes to things like History and Science. Other than that, Devin is continuing to work through Explode the Code, Handwriting, and Wordly Wise.

Lexi is about one week away from finishing up her Math. I picked up a great review book for her to go through once she is done. Originally, I had planned on just moving ahead to the next Horizons book but, with it being so close to the end of the year I figure we might as well just hold where we are. Lexi is also almost finished with her Explode the Code book. We have decided to hire a private tutor to help Lexi with her reading. She has been struggling still and though I see some improvement I feel a new approach may help us both. Lexi begins on Monday and she will start with a new method of learning how to read called the "Wilson Method". At first she was really apprehensive about starting something new but, since meeting her tutor and sitting in on a session with a friend, who also uses this tutor, she is excited.

Ava Mae has been working on Kindergarten level subjects since January. She does Horizons Kindergarten - Book 1, A Reason for Handwriting - Kindergarten Level and Get Ready for the Code - Book A. Ava Mae has also really been pushing to learn to read so we began this week with "The Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading" - so far so good. I was never a huge fan of "Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons", so I was glad to try something new.

Other than core subjects this week, we did our daily bible devotion and that is about it. Next week we will pick back up with other subjects - including art and a study on Ireland and St. Patrick's Day.


  1. I can well imagine coming down off a Disney World high back to the everyday must be difficult! Have a wonderful week coming up.

  2. I would expect life post Disney to be rather traumatic :)

  3. I would have cancelled school after Disney in mourning of being back! lol Sounds like a great week!
