
Friday, April 30, 2010

Friday Follow

Friday Follow

I am participating in today's Friday Follow hosted by One 2 Try, Hearts Make Families, and Midday Escapades. I love getting to know new bloggers - especially fellow crafters and homeschool moms!

If you are stopping by my blog for the first time, here are ten random things about me and this blog:

1. I am a homeschool mom of three great kids who are 8, 7 and 5.
2. I love all forms of crafting but, especially, paper crafting.
3. Spring and Fall are my two favorite seasons!
4. I am the oldest of ten children ... I have 5 sisters and 4 brothers.
5. I began blogging almost two years ago as a way to track our homeschool journey.
6. Prior to starting a family I was a professional event planner.
7. My husband and I have been married almost 20 years but, I am only 39.
8. I LOVE chocolate ... brownies, chocolate chip cookies, chocolate cake.
9. I am a follower of Jesus Christ and I love seeing the ways God works in my life.
10. I love garage sales! In fact, as soon as I finish this post I am off to hit some great sales in my neighborhood.

So, that was a quick glimpse into who I am ... leave a comment and I will stop by your blog to visit!

Have a great Friday Follow!!


  1. Hi im your newest follower!
    Great blog hope to read more soon. Happy Friday Follow!


  2. Hi!
    Visiting your blog from Follow Friday. Saw you used to be an Event Planner--though I didn't do it professionally, I have planned a lot of large events. Thought that was interesting. I've homeschooled my kids, 24 and 20, and have a blog, Faith's Firm Foundation, to mentor and encourage other moms.
    Come by for a visit!
    Faith's Firm Foundation

  3. Friday-following you now (No. 24), please follow back!

  4. Thanks for stopping by!

    Your blog is great! We have a lot in common. ;0)
