
Monday, April 26, 2010

A Journey Home

This weekend I went on a road trip with my daughter, Lexi, to Asheville, North Carolina. My Mom had invited me a few months ago to come up and celebrate my birthday. Our relationship had been rocky for the last year. It was good to see her and reconnect. My Dad was not there, as he is finishing out teaching in Florida before retiring and making a permanent move to North Carolina but, two of my sisters and two of my brothers were there.

It was a good weekend ... full of fun, celebration and excitement (the President decided to vacation in Asheville this same weekend).

My sister made me this great strawberry birthday cake ...

My Mom and I had a wonderful lunch on the terrace at the Grove Park Inn.

Beautiful views ...
Even caught a glimpse of the President as he played golf below us.

Then we toured some art studios in the River Arts District.

Lexi enjoyed her own special treats this weekend ... my brother and sister took her out to lunch in downtown Asheville, let her go shopping and pick out some special things, and let her go to a beading studio and make a bracelet ... she was in heaven!


  1. Looks like a lovely weekend.

    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Hi, Alicia.
    I had bookmarked you to come back to during the UBP - and I'm finally getting around to it! I've started following you now, too.

    Sounds like you had a delightful weekend. I look forward to reading more of your posts. :^)

  3. Sounds like you had an enjoyable weekend! I love Asheville. On our first date, hubby and I went to Biltmore, so I have fond memories of the area. I'd love to go back soon!
