
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The End is Here

It always amazes me how quickly our school year seems to just fly by. It is like our school year begins, I blink, and it is Christmas. Then, before I know it, Spring is upon us and as May begins we are done. Yesterday I began the process of organizing and packing up all of our school work from this year. Though our year did not start off as planned I feel like we really finished well. We work hard during our school year - during the past 9 months we only took one full week off and that was for our trip to Disney. Our reward - finishing school on April 30th!

Devin tests next Monday and Tuesday at the site the kids take classes on Fridays during our school year. We are finishing up this week working through our second test prep book. I know at this point, he knows what he knows, no sense in cramming anything we did not learn throughout the school year. We reviewed a few things early on which we did not go in depth with yet in the areas of social studies and grammar but, I began to feel like anything more than that and I would be doing exactly what the public school system does "teaching for the test". So, this week, we are just focusing on test taking techniques. I will be glad to have this behind us! No worrying during the summer months about scheduling testing.

Lexi has moved into her summer schedule which Devin will begin after testing. For Lexi, her work for the summer includes a summer review book (which includes math, phonics and grammar), journaling, reading and she will continue tutoring on weeks she is not in camp or on vacation.

Ava Mae also has a summer review book but, I will not push it. She will just begin Kindergarten this Fall. Right now Ava goes in and out of periods where she wants to do school.

I am hoping by tomorrow to have a nice neat school area again ... as of today it is a mess of papers, books, and boxes - all in neat stacks. Three months from now our new school year will begin again so, for now, I will enjoy our break.

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