
Friday, May 28, 2010

Summer Opportunities

Summer gives us opportunities ... it affords us a break from our normal routine and allows us to take on new challenges, new books, new schedules, etc. I had a conversation yesterday with a friend whose children go to a christian private school - she spoke about how much she loved having her kids home for the summer and did not want to share them with anyone. We both saw the irony in that I have the opposite feeling during the summer - the kids and I spend all year together around a school table and I feel like summer is our time to do our own thing.

A few of the opportunities we have this summer include ...

Devin and Lexi an opportunity to attend Winshape's Camp C3.

Ava Mae an opportunity to spend one week at gymnastics camp. (the same week Lexi and Devin are doing C3, affording me a week to myself)

Lexi an opportunity to try out being a mother's helper.

Ava Mae an opportunity to attend a week at ballet camp, with Lexi as one of the camp helpers.

Devin an opportunity to play baseball on an All Stars tournament team.

Me an opportunity to teach a 3 day American Girl Doll Camp in June and a 1 day Princess Camp in July.

The kids an opportunity to have water balloon fights, pool days, sleepovers and picnics with friends we do not get to see, as much as we'd like, during the school year.

Devin an opportunity to earn a PS3 by working his way through the whole bible using a 365 day devotional and quadrupling the number of devotions he does in one day.

Me an opportunity to read something other than books that go along with our curriculum, bible study or homeschool.

The kids and I an opportunity to volunteer during a vacation bible school at our old church.

Wow ... so many opportunities ... so little time!!

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