
Friday, June 11, 2010

Camp Winshape

Camp Winshape C3 has come to an end ... Devin and Lexi had a blast, once again! I don't know who is more disappointed that it is over the kids or I. Camp Winshape is 9 hours a day and my kids come home afterward and completely crash after talking non-stop about all the great things they learned that day. This is Devin's 3rd year and Lexi's 2nd. As always, the week long day camp did not disappoint ... this year's theme was Studio U. Devin was a Safari Village member this year and Lexi was in Ocean. I cannot say enough good things about this wonderful camp. If you live in the Southeast and this camp comes to your area I highly recommend it!!

Worshiping Jesus plays a huge part in camp each day there was plenty of time for worship through music and then a story in Studio U. In each story was what they call a "Call Time" truth about God with a "Role Call" response. For example today it was a Heroic Drama and the call time and roll call taught the kids that God calls, so let it loose or the text version - LiL. Based on Acts 4:18 - 20. I love how all the counselors have a great relationship with Jesus and are able to really share that with the kids on their level.

Devin's village (Safari) won triangulation which is the competition between all three villages that takes place each year. We had lots of fun decorating our car the day of competition - we were a house divided this year between Ocean and Safari. Our good friends helped us decorate the car by making posters for our windshield.

Camp Winshape gives campers many different tracks to choose from for their activity time. This year Devin chose - Drama, Secret Ops and Digital Photography. Lexi chose Drama, Crafts and Fast Food. Today we got a chance to see what they had learned or made during their track times.
Congrats Lexi for earning Camper of the Week for her Group ... she just loved her camp counselor, Ms. Bailey. We learned on Family Fun Day that Ms. Bailey is studying to be a teacher right now in college. She will make a great one!

So as another fun week of Camp Winshape comes to a close all we can say, once again, is ... thanks for the memories and see ya next year!!

1 comment:

  1. Your daughters are delicouse looking!!! I would pay anything to be able to fuck them,I'd settle to just eat there pussys.
