
Friday, July 9, 2010

Coconut Brownies

I recently found a recipe for a type of coconut brownie on this fun blog. For years I have been trying to replicate a recipe my father-in-law made. It was my husband's favorite but, unfortunately, when my father-in-law passed away several years ago so did many of the treasured family recipes. I wish now I would have taken more time to learn how he made some of my husband's favorites.

My father-in-law was not a chef or baker, in fact, he was a judge. He decided in retirement to take up cooking and baking as a hobby. I won't soon forget many of the items he cooked/baked which were so well known - even to many of my siblings who still ask me if I have a recipe for his famous pizza or cinnamon rolls, unfortunately, I do not. So recently, on one of my Friday blog hops I found a recipe which I thought might be close and my husband agrees it is the closest I have ever come to replicating that brownie recipe he made. I still have to figure out the icing - I know it involved Dream Whip but, that is about it.

So here is the recipe ...

One boxed brownie mix for a 13 x 9 pan
1 cup coconut
1 egg
1 tablespoon flour

1/2 small can of sweetened condensed milk
1 cup mini semi-sweet chocolate chips

Prepare boxed brownie mix following directions on box, set aside. Mix remaining ingredients in a separate bowl and set aside.
Grease the bottom only of a 13 x 9 inch pan with cooking spray.

Pour 1/2 of the brownie mix into the pan. Pour coconut mixture over bottom layer.
Pour remaining brownie mix over top of coconut layer - trying hard not to mix all three layers together when spreading out.

Bake at 350 degrees for 24 minutes or until sides pull away from pan and middle seems set. Do not over bake! Brownies are best served moist. Enjoy!

Linked up on The Girl Creative for Just Something I Whipped Up Monday Link Party bop on over to find more great recipes, crafts and project ideas.

The Girl Creative


  1. That looks soooo good. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Crazy Life with 4 Girls.

  2. Yum! I just made a recipe very similar to this a couple weeks ago...but I didn't have the mini choc chips in mine. I like that addition:-)

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Jocelyn ~ thanks so much for commenting for the life of me I could not remember whose blog I found that brownie recipe on. I just went back and gave you credit in my blog post.


  5. this recipe sounds yummy! What a great twist on an old classic.
    Thank you for visiting my nice to have made a new friend. Have a great weekend!!

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Looks really yummy. My hubby would love this, he is a Mounds fanatic. Thanks for sharing.

  8. OMG these look so good! I can just imagine eating one now with my cup of coffee. Thanks for a great recipe.

    Visiting from the Trendy Treehouse!

