
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Planning Begins ...

It is that time of year again - time to plan for our new homeschool year. This begins our 5th year homeschooling and each year it gets just a little bit easier - planning wise. Today I began wrapping up our lesson plans for the first six weeks of school. We begin officially on the 23rd of August - which may sound early to some of you but, is actually 2 1/2 weeks after the public school system starts back here.

So here is what our year will look like ...

Devin - 4th grade

Bible - Boy I Have I Got Problems a study of the book of James for at least the first six weeks then by October the new Jesus Calling book for kids will be out and I already have mine on Amazon pre-order.
History - Abeka 4th grade History - History of Our United States (this is the 1st half of the year and then we will delve into Georgia History and complete a notebook with lots of fun information about our state)
Social Studies - Material World: A Global Family Portrait
Science - Exploring Creation with Astronomy
Math - Abeka 4th grade Math
Language Arts - Abeka 3rd grade Language Arts
Spelling & Poetry - Abeka 4th grade Spelling & Poetry
Writing - Creativity and Craft in Writing
Reading - Abeka 3rd and 4th grade readers
Art - Drawing with Children - 1 day week
Extra-Curricular - Classes beginning in September on Fridays -(science, history and PE) , RA's and Choir on Wednesday nights, Fall Baseball through October, piano lessons

Lexi - 2nd grade

Bible - Boy I Have I Got Problems a study of the book of James for at least the first six weeks then by October the new Jesus Calling book for kids will be out and I already have mine on Amazon pre-order.
History - Abeka 2nd grade History - Our America (this is the 1st half of the year and then we will delve into Georgia History and complete a notebook with lots of fun information about our state)
Social Studies - Material World: A Global Family Portrait
Science - Exploring Creation with Astronomy
Math - Abeka 2nd grade Math
Language Arts - Abeka Oral Language Arts program
Reading - Wilson Program along with continuing to utilize a private tutor
Writing - Journal
Art - Abeka's 2nd grade Art Project Book and Drawing with Children - 1 day week
Extra-Curricular - Classes beginning in September on Fridays -(art, history and PE) , GA's and Choir on Wednesday nights, ballet 2 days a week, piano lessons

Ava Mae - Kindergarten (3 days a week)

Bible - Boy I Have I Got Problems a study of the book of James for at least the first six weeks then by October the new Jesus Calling book for kids will be out and I already have mine on Amazon pre-order.
Phonics - Wilson's Fundamentals program for Kindergartners
Math - Horizons Kindergarten Math
Reading - Five In A Row - one book a week along with activities
Extra-Curricular - Classes beginning in September on Fridays - (3 1/2 hour Kindergarten program), Mission Friends and Choir on Wednesday nights, ballet 1 day a week

I am excited for a new year to begin especially after attending our small homeschool group meeting last night. We are beginning our third year together with the addition of a few new faces. It is always wonderful to get together with these ladies and hear everyone's plans and how God is working in their lives. Next week I will attend our church's homeschool support group. I have taken on the role of Field Trip Coordinator this year and I can't wait to tell everyone about the fun trips we have planned.


  1. HOw fun! I am doing the very same thing - making my plans and getting things ready. We are using MANY of the same items you are and I will also have a 4th and 2nd grader! I hope to post more about our HS days this year and look forward to hearing how your year goes as well!
    Many blessings! ~~Kathy

  2. WOW! Nice schedule. How do you do the bible study for your younger one? This year my girl wants to go to regular school which happens to be right next door. But I would love to incorporate a bible study lesson for her at home.

  3. Hi Alicia, stopping by from new friend friday.... Thank yuo for the comment on my blog! I skimmed through yours and I believe I am going to enjoy reading it further! Keep up the great work being a Mama to 3! Its hard work!

  4. So, did you finish up your planning for your first six weeks? I have been trying to work through planning most of our school year. We'll see if that helps me to feel more organized. ;) (Either that, or it could be a miserable failure.)
