
Monday, July 19, 2010

Tomato Thief

I am so lucky to have my best friend and a neighbor on my street who all supply me with their tomato surplus! This year our tomatoes have not fared so well. While we were gone over the 4th of July most of our tomato plants succumbed to the heat. I guess they are just not as heat resistant as our peppers, chives and strawberry plants.

So, I was quite happy to see early this week new blooms and a few small tomatoes on our plants but, imagine my horror when I walked out on our deck today to water the plants and found most of them completely bare ... all because of this little thief (look closely he blends in).
They are called Tomato Hornworms and are completely harmless in the sense that they do not sting or bite but, boy can they eat tomato plants. We have captured two and they are both living in a bug jar with what was left of our tomato leaves.

Glad we still have at least five pounds of tomatoes in the house along with what we will be harvesting all week from our friend's gardens. I figure by the end of this month we were going to have had our fill of tomato recipes anyway. :)


  1. Alicia, you left a comment for me expressing interest in doing a guest post on marriage. Will you please email me at firefliesandhummingbirds at gmail dot com, so I can get your contact information? Thanks!

  2. Hi Alicia,
    My husband has planted several tomato plants this year. I am happy to say I have not seen any of those guys yet but I will be on the lookout.
    I am visiting your blog through new friend friday. Our blogs are similar in some ways. I too am trying to enjoy my world in the little things all while leaning on God.
    Thanks for your posts, I really like your blog:-)
