
Sunday, July 25, 2010

Volunteer Experience

Yesterday we spent the morning, as a family, volunteering at a local elementary school with our church as part of Community Makeover - which is a concentrated weekend of community service led by churches serving in their own Community. It was one of the hottest days of the year and the work was not easy or fun but, it was a great lesson for the kids. After the first hour there was definite grumbling going on amongst our three - "it's so hot", "pulling weeds is not fun", "how many hours do we have to do this for". We reminded them that being the hands and feet of Jesus is not glamorous nor will it always be fun. I think up until now most of our volunteer experiences have been indoors and involved very little hard manual labor. In the next year we would like to take a mission trip - I think this experience was good practice!


  1. What an awesome idea. Your a good mom.

  2. Thank you for sharing this, I needed the reminder. It is important to teach our children to serve. I haven't done enough of this over the years, with three teens I need to step it up! :)
