
Monday, August 23, 2010

A New School Year Begins

Our 2010 - 2011 school year has begun ... we got off to a great start this morning! The kids were excited to see what the year would hold curriculum wise and Ava Mae was just chomping at the bit to get started with Kindergarten.

I am employing some new practices this year (tips from some wonderful homeschool moms) - first, each child has an index card with their assignments for the whole week along with their chores - that way if they want to they can work ahead on assignments or, if they get behind, they know where they need to be by the end of the week.

Second, Devin and Lexi will take turns making lunch for everyone. Ava Mae is their assistant - her job is to prep the table and get drinks ready. All my kids love to cook and this gives them practice, with an easier meal.
Praise God for a most enjoyable first day!!


  1. cuties! all ready for school. we still have a week!

  2. Hi there! Just found you through a blog hop and I am now following. You have a beautiful blog design!

    I'm in Canada and we don't go back to school until the day after Labour Day (and I really do mean "we"; I'm a teacher!). This year my little girl starts kindergarten, but she doesn't even begin until September 22nd, so we still have a bit of time.

    Have a great week!

    Kate @ This Mom Loves

  3. I came over from NFF...we homeschool too! Blessings on your first week of school:)

    Come visit us at This Parenting Adventure!
