
Monday, August 2, 2010

Not Back To School Blog Hop: Curriculum

Not Back to School Blog Hop

So excited to be participating again this year in the Not Back to School Blog Hop hosted by Heart of the Matter. This year we will have a 4th grader, 2nd grader, and Kindergartner at our home. We have an eclectic mix curriculum wise ... here is a look at what we are doing:

Devin - 4th grade

Bible - Boy I Have I Got Problems a study of the book of James for at least the first six weeks then by October the new Jesus Calling book for kids will be out and I already have mine on Amazon pre-order.
History - Abeka 4th grade History - History of Our United States (this is the 1st half of the year and then we will delve into Georgia History and complete a notebook with lots of fun information about our state)
Social Studies - Material World: A Global Family Portrait
Science - Exploring Creation with Astronomy
Math - Abeka 4th grade Math
Language Arts - Abeka 3rd grade Language Arts
Spelling & Poetry - Abeka 4th grade Spelling & Poetry
Writing - Creativity and Craft in Writing
Reading - Abeka 3rd and 4th grade readers
Art - Drawing with Children - 1 day week
Extra-Curricular - Classes beginning in September on Fridays -(science, history and PE) , RA's and Choir on Wednesday nights, Fall Baseball through October, piano lessons

Lexi - 2nd grade

Bible - Boy I Have I Got Problems a study of the book of James for at least the first six weeks then by October the new Jesus Calling book for kids will be out and I already have mine on Amazon pre-order.
History - Abeka 2nd grade History - Our America (this is the 1st half of the year and then we will delve into Georgia History and complete a notebook with lots of fun information about our state)
Social Studies - Material World: A Global Family Portrait
Science - Exploring Creation with Astronomy
Math - Abeka 2nd grade Math
Language Arts - Abeka Oral Language Arts program
Reading - Wilson Program along with continuing to utilize a private tutor
Writing - Journal
Art - Abeka's 2nd grade Art Project Book and Drawing with Children - 1 day week
Extra-Curricular - Classes beginning in September on Fridays -(art, history and PE) , GA's and Choir on Wednesday nights, ballet 2 days a week, piano lessons

Ava Mae - Kindergarten (3 days a week)

Bible - Boy I Have I Got Problems a study of the book of James for at least the first six weeks then by October the new Jesus Calling book for kids will be out and I already have mine on Amazon pre-order.
Phonics - Wilson's Fundamentals program for Kindergartners
Math - Horizons Kindergarten Math
Reading - Five In A Row - one book a week along with activities
Extra-Curricular - Classes beginning in September on Fridays - (3 1/2 hour Kindergarten program), Mission Friends and Choir on Wednesday nights, ballet 1 day a week

Not it is your turn ... hop on over to Heart of the Matter online, grab a button and post what you are doing this year!


  1. Wow! Everything looks great. I'm kids are excited to get started this year. It's been so hot we couldn't go outside so they have actually been a little bored. LOL! Perfect time to start school I say.
    Have a great day.

  2. Hi! I found you through the Not Back-to-School blog hop.

    It looks like you really have everything in order! :)

    I can't wait for next year, when my daughter will be ready for Five in a Row. My son was never very excited about it but I think it will really click. Will you be posting lots about your FiaR adventures?

    Have a great year!

  3. Great job!

    I love this blog hop. It really gives me great ideas and refreshes my thinking -- even though I've been homeschooling for over 10 years. So, thank you!

    Have a great MOnday.


  4. It looks like a great year. That Bible study sounds awesome. I'm going to have to add that to my list of things to check out.

  5. I also have a 2nd grader and a K5'er:) You have a great lineup here! Happy Schooling!

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Looks like a great plan. Good luck with your year. :)

  8. Hi! Thanks for your comment on my blog! I hope you enjoy using Abeka! It's been great for us! God bless your school year!

  9. Oooh, I've never heard of those books you are using for bible time. I love the book of James. I may have to check those out. Thanks so much for sharing your choices for the school year! I have a 4th and 2nd grader as well :) God bless!
