
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tag Your It

I have been tagged ... Nicole from Team Pipkin tagged me! I have 8 questions to answer and then I will tag some of my blog friends. I hope you will play along. Don't forget to check out Nicole's blog and see the questions she had to answer.

These are the questions Nicole picked for me to answer...
1. How do you start your day?
Most mornings I am up at 6AM to head to the gym before my husband leaves for work. I am home by 7:05AM and that is my "quiet" time - I work on my current bible study, write in my prayer journal, and then pray. Kids are up by 8AM and we try and get our homeschool day started around 9AM.
2. Nothing make me laugh like...
watching the videos my kids make with our Flip Camera especially the ones involving the crazy antics of our two indoor cats.
3. Before you had children how many kids did you want? How many do you have?
I always thought two. My husband would have liked five. Ava Mae (our third child) was a complete surprise and I know three was the number God had planned for us.
4. What is your favorite cereal? Either now or as a kid.
My favorite cereal as a kid was Frosted Flakes though I think that was a rare treat as my parents did not feel it was a good way to start your day.
5. Hardly anybody knows I ...
am a magazine addict ...I think I have around 30 piled up next to my night stand right now everything from Stamping, Good Housekeeping, Taste of Home, Taste of Home - Halloween Magazine, Southern Living, and Country Living.
6. You get a phone call from your MIL, she's coming over. It's a lazy family weekend so nothing is picked up. What do you do?
Sadly, my mother-in-law is no longer with us but, I would say we would do a quick run around and pick up - piling everything in the laundry room.
7. If you could have one super mom power, what would it be?
The ability to be in several places at once.
8. What is your best organizing tip?
I like to keep a recipe binder in the kitchen that I put all of those great recipes I find in magazines that I would love to try some day. I also keep a coupon organizer in my purse with all of our favorite restaurant coupons in it along with a list of restaurants and what days "kids eat free".

So here are my blog friends I have chosen to tag ...

Dizzy In The Noodle

Emmy's Angels

Fish Out of Water

See Jamie Blog

Looking forward to reading your answers to these questions:

1. What is your favorite time of year and why?
2. What is your favorite bible scripture or passage?
3. If money were no object, what restaurant would you love to go out to, with just your husband?
4. What is the last movie you saw in a theater?
5. My favorite book I have read recently is ...
6. What is your favorite "go to" item of clothing?
7. Do you have a good housekeeping tip?
8. When life is crazy do you have one easy dinner recipe you love?


  1. YAY! Thanks for playing along. Great organizing tips. I love Frosted Flakes w/slices of banana in it. Oh YUM!
    You got some really good questions for your friends:)

  2. Glad to have found your blog through Jamie's! I am the Amanda that you met at church last Sunday. :) I played along too off of Jamie's post. My blog is

  3. Hi there,

    New follower from New Friend Fridays. Looking forward to reading more from you.

    Great blog you have here.

    The Things We Find Inside
