
Friday, September 10, 2010

Weekly Wrap Up - September 10, 2010

Another week has come and gone ... holiday weeks always mess me up. I always feel like I am a day behind. The girls are both taking extra dance lessons - Lexi is now up to five classes and Ava Mae has two. I am still not used to the schedule and completely forgot about Ava Mae's extra tap class until after the class was over. Needless to say, Ava was not happy. I am just blaming it on the holiday week.
Pictured above Ava Mae with her best friend, lining up all of her barn animal math manipulatives.

School wise things went along pretty well. Ava Mae did announce on Tuesday that she was done with Kindergarten. My child who loved workbooks all last year has decided she no longer likes them. So, for now, we are working on Five In a Row and her reading program. Math is basically just manipulatives - counting, sorting, adding and subtracting. She is still actively participating in our bible study and science we all do together and loves memorizing the scripture from the book of James.

Lexi's reading tutor had great things to say after her session on Tuesday and hopefully, by next week, Lexi will move on to the next level of Wilson. The only change on the horizon - I am not in love with Lexi's language program from Abeka. I think I may go back to utilizing First Language Lessons with her. Abeka's Math and History programs are great and Lexi is enjoying them both.

Devin got a small reprieve from his Spelling this week being there was only 4 days in our school week and one of those was at Timothy. Abeka's Math, Language and History for Devin are coming along nicely. Devin really likes the History book - it underlines important passages in red and he likes to write those notes out for his History folder. He also is enjoying the reading books from Abeka. I like having the questions at the end of each story to quiz him with.

The big news of the week was the kids' classes began again at Timothy. They could not wait for this morning to arrive. Ava Mae is in a 3 1/2 hour Kindergarten class; Lexi has art, geography and PE; and Devin has science, geography and PE. It is a nice break for me and with my husband working from home on Fridays it means we get to enjoy a breakfast out together. The kids reported back that they love their teachers and have several friends in their classes - all in all a good first day back!


  1. oh that is a bummer. Don't give up. Is there another mom that can tag team w/you on homeschooling Ava Mae? I know when I was working w/my daughter last year for preschool she wouldn't do anything for me. So we joined the other moms from playgroup. Those kids were a year younger than her but were doing so much more. Then she picked up everything she needed to know in 6 months before kinder. She did tell me before kinder started that she wanted me to home school her but I wasn't confidant in teaching her.

  2. Andrew told me that he only knew one person in his Timothy Ministry class and it was Ava Mae. I had no idea who that was but am delighted to see that it is your daughter. :)

  3. I struggle with the wrap ups too thinking how much is too much info! lol Looks like you had a great week and we love Madeleine here as well. Perhaps Ava Mae just needs something new and exciting like Madeleine to get her re motivated. Hang in there! She'll come around.
