
Friday, September 24, 2010

Weekly Wrap Up - September 24, 2010

The first week of Fall ... yeah!! It was a busy week for us, while the public and many of the private schools around us were on break we were in session. Monday was Lexi's birthday and party but, she was able to get all of her school work done on Sunday and Devin spent the day at my husband's office so the party would not interrupt his school day.

In science this week we wrapped up our study of the Sun with an experiment. We used a magnifying glass to concentrate the sun's rays and melt chocolate bars that had been refrigerated. We also learned about thermonuclear fusion - or how the sun is powered.
Our science lesson tied in well this week with Ava Mae's Five In a Row Book - "Who Owns the Sun".

Our art project this week was to get outside and find fall leaves for a poster - in honor of the first day of Fall. Though we don't have a lot of leaves that have changed color yet - we were able to find a few.
We are more than half way through our study of the Book of James using the devotional "Boy Have I Got Problems". It has really been a good study for us. We have worked through how the book of James can be applied to our life and we are almost done memorizing the first chapter in James.

Before the kids headed to Timothy classes today they were able to watch my husband and I being baptized, which was a great ending to the week!

Now head on over to Kris's blog and read all the weekly wrap-up posts from other homeschool families.

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