
Thursday, September 2, 2010

Weekly Wrap Up - September 3, 2010

We are done with Week 2 of our school year ... 10 days down only 170 to go. Though it seems like we have this long year ahead of us this is really my favorite time of year! I love the Fall - new school supplies, cooler temperatures, fun holidays, apple picking and beautiful fall foliage.

This week we finished our first chapter in our Science (Exploring Creation with Astronomy). The kids each made a diagram of our solar system. We also began our science notebooks and came up with a fun way to remember the order of the planets "My Very Exciting Mother Just Served Us Nutty Pizza". Next week we begin learning about the sun.

Note: This is Devin's solar system diagram - note that he has Pluto positioned quite a ways out from the other planets. Devin is looking forward to Chapter 12 in our book where he gets to form a Hypothesis and present supporting facts as to why Pluto is no longer considered a planet.

Ava Me is wrapping up her second week of Madeline. I use Five In A Row with Ava but, we choose to do a book for two weeks rather than one. It gives us more time to fit in the activities without feeling too rushed. We have colored and painted scenes from Madeline, made a Madeline character out of an empty tissue roll, and baked white chocolate filled croissants. So much fun!

Our other curriculum seems to be going well. We love our bible study (Boy Have I Got Problems - a study of the Book of James)!

Extra-curricular activities are all under way. Devin is loving fall baseball. He will have quiet a few games during September and October and it looks like he will be pitching for the first time in his new league. Lexi has been asked to move up in ballet which has her dancing now 4 1/2 hours a week rather than just 2 1/2. She is loving it, though it can be pretty tiring. She said the 2nd hour of barre work just kills her stomach muscles.

That was our week ... looking forward now to a great holiday weekend!


  1. I love your blog. I am doing a homeshcool program with my 3 year old this year. We are having so much fun! I look forward to seeing how you year goes

  2. Looks like a wonderful week. I'm itching for fall to get here, aren't you?!

  3. Hi, I'm your newest follower from new friend fridays. So nice to meet you. I see the kids playing baseball and my sons 8,3 and 21 months are all big fans of baseball. Stop by and visit me at Healthy living and a balanced
